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Activity 8: Resource Building

Collect and keep all the information and insights that you have gathered even those that were not used for this particular project. Material collected along the way may have relevance to other areas of your business.

library of different user insights

As a result of your activities with users, you will have knowledge and experience that can be passed on to other projects and colleagues. This should be organised and stored in a way that can be easily accessed either physically or digitally. Your studies with lead users can act as a resource and reference for future projects and help to create a library of user data for your organisation. Information that might not have been applicable to one project could be vital for another, so make sure you save discarded data.


  • Image library: Collect and organise still and video images by theme or keyword in a manner that makes it easy for other people to search and access. Do not upload all your raw data. Edit and select the material that is most interesting and relevant. 
  • Insight database: Create a database of insights gathered throughout your research. This can be quotes from users, ideas you have had or problems that have been articulated. 
  • Persona library: Creating personas based on real users can help to generate more inclusive briefs and virtually test ideas in other projects. Make sure that the personas you create are believable and have depth to their character. Write in likes and dislikes, as well as physical functionality, for example.
  • Catalogue unexplored ideas: Often user research will uncover other ideas that are new and exciting but not relevant to the brief you are addressing. Record these ideas for consideration at a future date. They might be a potential fit for another project.


At the end of this activity you will have a reference library of peoplecentred insights in the form of quotes, pictures and video. This information can be a valuable resource for your organisation in developing new projects as well as maintaining an Inclusive Design approach. The innovation that results from this process can also add value from your clients’ perspective. However, most importantly, completing this activity means that you do not have to start from scratch the next time.