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Design and Architecture Norway

Commissioning party: Brønnøysund Register Centre

Practitioner: Fossland+Foss, Brønnøysund Register Centre and byHands

På oppdrag fra Brønnøysundregistrene har Fossland+Foss redesignet, sammen med byHands som har stått for illustrasjonene. Prosjektet får nå DOGA-merket for design og arkitektur.

Playful forms

Altinn is hardly recognisable. The old-fashioned and static design that evoked associations of a secret organisation is nowhere to be seen and has been replaced by organic shapes of people and a sense of playfulness - in inviting colours! It almost makes you want to send in your tax return a second time.

På oppdrag fra Brønnøysundregistrene har Fossland+Foss redesignet, sammen med byHands som har stått for illustrasjonene. Prosjektet får nå DOGA-merket for design og arkitektur.
På oppdrag fra Brønnøysundregistrene har Fossland+Foss redesignet, sammen med byHands som har stått for illustrasjonene. Prosjektet får nå DOGA-merket for design og arkitektur.

Panel remarks

Calling Altinn one of the country’s most popular websites is a bit far-fetched, but it is definitely one of the most visited sites. Berated and feared for its endless click safaris to find the right form and check-off options, Altinn has often been used as an example of everything that is wrong with government bureaucracy. That is why this update of the service is so very welcome and a fantastic example of how design-driven development can be used to meet the needs of users in arenas they do not really wish to be in. 

There is still quite some work to be done before Altinn can be called a seamless and intuitive experience from top to toe, but Fossland+Foss, the Brønnøysund Register Centre and byHands have created a system and a profile in which the principles and design components for all areas can be developed further over time. 

This is an example of extremely good design work within a scope of action that is limited by security and privacy issues, in addition to the sophisticated technical solutions underlying it.