![Tor Inge Hjemdal på sykkel i Oslo sentrum](/globalassets/bilder-til-artikler/aktuelt/tor_inge_sykkel_web.jpg?width=550&height=550&transform=downFit)
If it really is ordinary people's turn, then they should be the starting point when we develop everything from healthcare services to climate measures.
The Right Place To Start Innovating
![Marit Helgesen i Vipps](/globalassets/bilder-til-artikler/aktuelt/foto_macphail_vipps_doga_marit-01_web.jpg?width=550&height=550&transform=downFit)
In just a few years, Vipps has revolutionised the way we pay. This probably wouldn’t have happened without some clever sparks choosing to focus on design from the outset.
Why the Vipps Method Has Been Successful
![Andreas Moan](/globalassets/bilder-til-artikler/aktuelt/macphail_helse_doga_andreas-5_web.jpg?width=550&height=550&transform=downFit)
With the help of service design, waiting times for breast cancer diagnoses at Oslo University Hospital were reduced by as much as 90 percent. Project Director Andreas Moan at the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority cites three reasons why service design is the future of the healthcare system.
Service Design Should Be Used Much, Much More in the Healthcare System
![Anne Elisabeth Bull, leder for designdrevet næringsutvikling i DOGA.](/globalassets/bilder-til-artikler/aktuelt/anne_foto_sverre_jarild.jpg?width=550&height=550&transform=downFit)
Good design places the user at the centre and encourages new and better solutions to all problems, whether big or small. Here are seven reasons why this makes our society better.
The Most Loved Services in Norway Are the Result of Good Design
![Aarhus art museum, felles nordisk smartby-prosjekt i regi av DOGA.](/globalassets/bilder-til-artikler/by-og-sted/aarhus-art-museum_doga.jpg?width=550&height=550&transform=downFit)
Can we develop a Nordic smart city model as a human-centered alternative to the American and Chinese models? The answer is yes. Municipalities and organizations from all over the Nordic countries are now working together to define a smart city model based on Nordic social values and the exceptional work already done in the different Nordic countries.