Illustrasjon for DOGA-merket for design og arkitektur med logo i midten

Do you have a design or architecture project that deserves to be seen? Apply for the DOGA Award before the 8th of September, 2021.


Enter the DOGA Award for design and architecture

Designuken i Milano utsatt på grunn av koronaviruset.

Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone have been postponed for two months because of the coronavirus. The new dates for the Norwegian Presence exhibition will be 16–21 June.

Norwegian Presence postponed due to the coronavirus

Flower illustration

The Nordic Report 02  is a deep-dive into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 12 – sustainable production and consumption. The report is part of SUSTAINORDIC, which aims to spread awareness about sustainable production and consumption in the Nordics in accordance with Agenda 2030.

The Nordic Report 02 – an eye-opener on sustainable consumption and production

New Era Wharf, flerbrukshus på Rødberg. Vinner av Europan 2019.

Europan is the world’s largest architecture competition for architects under the age of 40. The results of this year’s Norwegian competition were announced at DOGA on Monday 2 December.

Young European architects win competition in three Norwegian municipalities

Stian Alessandro Ekkernes Rossi, arkitekt i Snøhetta, undersøker plast-granulater.

Many of the innovation projects that have received funding from the Design-Driven Innovation Program (DIP) have a sustainability focus.

Focus on sustainability in awarding NOK 8.5 million for innovation

Varianter av stolen «Camp» fra Fora Form AS i industripreget rom.

DOGA and Innovation Norway are collaborating to strengthen the brand management, strategic design and exports of Norwegian companies offering finished products. Ten producers have been selected for a pilot programme in Germany.


Ten Norwegian brands to become better exporters

Fasaden av gamle Deichmanske hovedbibliotek i Oslo.

It is said that 80 per cent of the building stock we will use in 2050 has already been built. So why are we building so many new buildings?


Empty buildings and lost values

Bilde av Navet strandpark, Vest-Agder Museum

Seven Norwegian architecture companies have been nominated for a total of 15 awards at this year’s WAF in Amsterdam.

Norwegian Architects Conquer the World Architecture Festival!

Barn sitter rundt et bord og gjør skolearbeid. I midten står roboten AV1. Øynene til roboten er rettet mot en bok.

The government is using big words to speak on behalf of the Norwegian health sector. But if the health industry doesn’t load the design canon, the Americans will arrive and colonise us. It is no longer good enough to be world champions on home turf.


Dear health sector: Load the design canon before it’s too late!

Kunsthåndverker Pearla Pigao arbeider med tekstiler i sitt studio.

After three years of success in Milan, Norwegian designers, craft artists and manufacturers unite under a new, common concept, directed by DOGA, Klubben and Norwegian Crafts.

Norwegian Presence: The making of modern Norway