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Design and Architecture Norway

Commissioning party: Fora Form AS

Practitioner: Lars Tornøe Design AS

Høyrygget konferansestol i lysebrunt skinn.

Photo: Mattias Hamrén

What you don’t se

To paraphrase Gertrude Stein: A chair is a chair is a chair. Right? No, thought Foraform and designer Lars Tornøe when they created Fjell, an exclusive conference chair whose value truly lies in what cannot be seen.

Tre konferansestoler i konjakkfarget skinn mot en lys bakgrunn.
Photo: Lars Tornøe Design

Panel remarks

At first sight, the Fjell chair looks like any other exclusive conference chair. It has a highly elegant design and is made of superior quality materials, but that is not something we have not seen before. But as with so many other good designs, the real value is hidden from the naked eye. The elegant connection between seat and back makes it a breeze to clean, while at the same time giving it a sleek and lofty impression. The unique combination of plywood and polyurethane in the back and seat must be experienced to be appreciated, claims the manufacturer. The smart bracket solution accentuates the chair’s slim yet relaxed contour. 

And in terms of the environmental perspective, the impression given by Fjell of an exceptionally solid chair is right on target. It has a crystal-clear attitude and demands with regard to both raw materials and recycling and satisfies all environmental requirements in both Norway and Sweden. It is a chair that is designed for large volume production, with high quality throughout and ethical production methods, so there is every reason to hope that it will contribute to maintaining much-needed jobs in the Norwegian furniture industry in general and in Ørsta in particular.