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Design and Architecture Norway

Commissioning party: Rema 1000 i Norge As

Practitioner: Designit Oslo AS


Photo: Designit

Ready, steady, Æ!

When REMA 1000 decided to launch the Æ app, their biggest digital venture to date, it was essential that the employees were informed, committed and inspired. It was also crucial that the project be kept secret until the launch date. So, how do you get 11,000 people to not only learn to use a new system in 16 hours, but to like it and recommend it to others? This was the challenge facing Designit in a nutshell. 

Skisse for Æ Onboarding-program.
Photo: Designit
Mennesker på lansering.
Photo: Cristian Søgaard

Panel remarks

Æ go-live distinguishes itself by its highly integral and thoroughly prepared training materials and training event design that is nothing short of impressive. The complexity of the challenge, with the demand for secrecy as that little extra get-up-and-go, makes this a highly demanding project in terms of both the totality of the solution and the accuracy of the individual processes and actions. To put it simply, 11,000 employees means 11,000 potential sources of error. So, the fact that they succeeded in carrying out a process that was integral to the core in such a short period of time and with such good results is nothing less than a magnificent achievement, one that demonstrates the importance of focusing on the human aspect when launching a new concept. 

It is also gratifying that such a major business player as REMA 1000 uses service design to create a better customer experience and increase sales. We both hope and believe that we will see more of this type of collaboration in the future. 

Project group

Agnete Enga, Designit, Strategic Design Director

Maria Björklund, Designit, Service Designer

Marte Viksmoen, Designit, Brand Experience Designer

Kjersti Olsen Skrefsrud, Rema 1000, Project Manager

Tove Solberg, Rema 1000, Event

Rebecca Ophus, Rema 1000, Communication Consultant

Kaja Østbye Andresen, Rema 1000, Communication Consultant

Frederik Jahr, Rema 1000, HR & e-Learning

Ann-Kristin Pettersen, Rema 1000, Campaign & Marketing

Alistair Cheyne, Stir, Motion Designer