The 2019 DOGA Award Jury
Mads one of the founding partners of ÆRA. He spends much of his time running open-ended strategic innovation projects witrh many stakeholders creating together, and a high degree of complexity. He is the initiator of the cross-sectoral innovation program Floke, which creates innovation opportunities out of society's biggest challenges. In the fall of 2018 he was nominated for the Nordic Council's Environment Prize.
Mads has long and broad experience as an innovation consultant and business architect for many of the major brands in Norway, including the Varner Group, Ruter, TINE, Norsk Gjenvinning, Nortura, Hafslund, AF-Gruppen.
Mads is a Chaos pilot og Certified Improve Consultant by the EU and a Design Thinker by IDEO. He has a combined background from both economics and psychology studies. Mads regularly gives lectures on how sustainability creates competitiveness.
Phuong Helen Nguyen is a service designer educated from Aalborg University Copenhagen. She has worked on promoting local ice cream, strengthening care of lonely people, and exaggerated use of confetti. Phuong works as a Senior Service Designer at Laerdal Medical where she currently helps people save lives.