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Design and Architecture Norway

PROJECT NAME: Kunsten å IKKE kaste mat (the art of NOT chucking food)

NAME OF CLIENT: Handverk Forlag DA


Discipline: Visual communication

Photo: Colin Eick

Eat up your food!

Every year, one in eight bags of food purchased by Norwegians gets chucked in the bin. With the book Kunsten å IKKE kaste mat (the art of NOT chucking food), publishers Handverk Forlag will help reduce food wastage by showing us how to use leftovers and how to assess the shelf life of 100 of the most common foods by using our own senses.
The project was started with crowdfunding in March 2017, and the book was released in August.

Photo: Colin Eick
Photo: Colin Eick

Panel remarks

This is an appealing project where the client and supplier are one and the same. The project is also an exciting genre mix of print and digital and has had massive success on social media. Naturally, it gets top marks for meeting the environmental and social criteria, but it also does well on economics due to the success of the crowdfunding, plus its form and function will appeal to a broad target audience. It would have been easy here to fall back on clichés, but the balance has been managed well. This is also a book and project that will lend itself to export and translation into other languages.


Project participants

Thomas Horne – Handverk Forlag, author and editor
Colin Eick – Handverk Forlag, photography
Eivind Stoud Platou – Handverk, design and illustration
Erlend Dahl Sakshaug – Anorak, cutting and animation