Commissioning party: Bertel O. Steen
Practitioner: EGGS Design
Solution-oriented leasing
People do not buy cars the same way as in the past. The market trend is moving towards increased car sharing and long-term leasing and today’s car user has entirely different expectations and demands of a car. Bertel O. Steen wants to be a part of this evolution, which is why they developed Easly, an innovative leasing solution for private customers.
Panel remarks
This is a great example of how service design can and should be used to create a better customer experience. SDG and EGGS worked together with a brave and ambitious customer, one both willing and able to challenge its own industry. The result, Easly, is future-oriented and smart, not to mention well designed.
The visual profile is easy to relate to, with easy navigation and integration in different types of media. The process itself even had a 360° perspective from dealer training to ready-to-use information materials for the end user and the end service appears to be as innovative as it is simple - a clear improvement on current solutions. The fact that the process has contributed to internal organisational development by setting the standard for future innovation processes seems to us to be yet another argument in favour of service design in pretty much every type of creative process.
Project group
Jan Walter Parr, EGGS, Process Facilitator
Petter Utengen, Bertel O. Steen, Commercial Director
Lars Ruud, Bertel O. Steen, Marketing Manager
Morten Gundersen, Bertel O. Steen, Former head of Easly
Rui Martins, EGGS, Digital Lead
Henriette Marki, EGGS, Service Designer
Christian von Hanno, EGGS, Service Designer
Sanjin Filipovic, EGGS, Digital Designer
Thomas Nielsen, EGGS, Creative Technologist
Erland Glad Solstrand, EGGS, Creative Technologist
Espen Aaeng, EGGS, Digital Designer
Hans Martin Erlandsen, EGGS, Digital Designer
Simen Hanssen, McCann, Communications
Aslak Johansen, Cultivator, Dealer Training
Magnus Handeland, Knowit, Development
Frank Undheim, McCann, Communications
Camilla Raanaas, McCann, Communications
Thomas Ramskjell Larsen, SDG, Designer
Andreas Bjørkeng Sogn, SDG, Designer
Ida Louise Andersen, SDG, Designer
Therese Jacobsen, SDG, Buiness Designer
Eline Kristoffersen, SDG, Buiness Designer
Anne Marie Brady, SDG, Client Director