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Design and Architecture Norway

PROJECT NAME: Craig Alibone

NAME OF CLIENT: Craig Alibone


Discipline: Packaging design

Craig Alibone. Photo: by north

Want to taste

Craig Alibone is a confectioner specialising in handmade treats of the highest quality. After completing an apprenticeship in France, he moved to Boda, where in 2016 he opened his own kitchen and outlet. The aim of the project has been to develop an identity that makes space for Craig Alibone's products and showcases the craft that underpins everything he does.

Craig Alibone. Photo: by north
Craig Alibone. Photo: by north

Panel remarks

It's great to see small players go to such lengths. Simply coming up with some high-class packaging wasn’t enough for Alibone: he also took the trouble to develop a profile that tells a story of craftsmanship and dedication. The successful use of colours for different products, their strong yet playful shape, and the high quality of the materials leave one in no doubt that this is a high-end product which reminds one of international brands within the confectionery category.

In short, this is undoubtedly a very successful job for a small local player, but one who now looks like he owns the whole world. You can’t help but want to taste.

Project participants

Morten Iveland – by north, design/photography
Ole-Marius Storfjell – by north, design/text
Majken Falch Jonassen – by north, design
Håvard Karlsen – by north, project manager