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Design and Architecture Norway

Name: Fredrik Lien Bjørgmo

Discipline: Visual communication

Education: Bachelor’s in Graphic Design, Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology


Illustration: Fredrik Lien Bjørgmo
Illustration: Fredrik Lien Bjørgmo

Environmental endorsement

National eco-labelling of foodstuffs is a simple system for raising consumer awareness of the environmental impact of various foods. A simple visual system on a price sticker or label gives you quick and understandable information about the food's environmental impact and increases your awareness of which foods are resource-efficient or inefficient with respect to the environment. The system aims in this way to have a positive effect on both production and consumer cultures.

Illustration: Fredrik Lien Bjørgmo
Illustration: Fredrik Lien Bjørgmo

Panel remarks

It could not be easier. This is a simple, eye-catching, and logical way to raise consumer awareness of what people put in their mouths. The design system is strict, communicative, and consistent, plus it is gloriously liberating that they have avoided using colour on the labelling and dare to rely on clean shapes. In a clever extension, you also get a summarised rating on the receipt, so when you shop several times a week, you can make adjustments to improve. If this were to be introduced, it would probably cause producers to become more aware as well (as in the case of palm oil), which would be a nice exchange between consumer and producer and a good example of how simple systems can have a big impact.

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