DOGA’s mandate is to make sure that design and architecture
... will play a clear role in the development of Norwegian commercial as well as the public sector,
... will contribute to better conditions for societal development,
... as fields of competence are equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
To achieve this, we work through projects, programmes, funding, awards, events, exhibitions and communication activities to offer knowledge and competence on how to use design and architecture as innovation tools. In our current strategy, we concentrate on three main areas where we feel design and architecture can have the most significant impact for people, society, businesses and the environment.
- Where we live – cities and urban development.
- How we live – welfare and health.
- Making a living – future value creation for Norwegian businesses and industry.
At DOGA, we believe that the strength of design and architecture is a people-centred and holistic approach to solving problems. Designers and architects have competencies that are essential in addressing complex challenges. Regardless of the type of business or sector, design and architecture can trigger untapped potential for innovation and value creation.

Photo: Sverre Chr. Jarild
Some of DOGA´s activities are:
- We curate and facilitate conferences, seminars, workshops and courses to address and share new insight on the role of design and architecture meeting future needs in business and public sector,
- We provide funding for design driven innovation projects addressing wicked problems in the business sector the private sector,
- We run method-, knowledge- and competence sharing programs
- We honour, award and share best practice projects on innovative, sustainable and inclusive design and architecture,
- We provide insight for private and public organisations that want to use inclusive design as a method, through the .
- We offer advice on internationalisation for Norwegian design and architecture businesses, through export programmes for design and the programme.
- We offer financial support through the for innovation projects that are at an early stage, carried out in collaboration with a design agency.
- We showcase the very best of Norwegian design, such as the annual Norwegian Presence exhibit during Milan Design Week.
- We also collect and promote inspiring examples of how design and architecture create value, through studies such as the Nordic Design Resource, which was done in collaboration with the other Nordic design organisations.
We are located in the historic DOGA building in Oslo, but our activities reach throughout the country to contribute to the transition of Norway towards a more sustainable future.