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Design and Architecture Norway

Tilskuddsordningen levende lokaler

Who can apply and how?

The network and pilot municipalities in the Sparkling Spaces project can apply for a subsidy. Other parties in the municipalities can apply for support, as long as their municipality is a co-applicant.

Together with the Savings Bank Foundation DNB, DOGA has developed a set of allocation criteria. These include the importance of the projects being feasible and properly motivated, long-term efforts and meeting places with an inclusive profile that also give something back to the city centre.

Read more about the allocation criteria here.

At the end of the day, the goal of the scheme is to identify promising projects and, since Sparkling Spaces is an innovation project, we are open to the unexpected.

How can the funding be spent?

There are few restrictions in how the subsidy can be used in the projects. Examples:

  • Building upgrades (equipment, materials, etc.)
  • Activities
  • Fees (current/concrete)
  • ... and other relevant ways to subsidise this project

How can the funding not be spent?

In spite of the few restrictions, there are a number of rules for receiving funding from the Sparkling Spaces subsidy scheme. The funding may not be spent on:

  • Normal project operations (rent, salaries, office expenses)
  • Upgrading of permanent installations (electric, water, etc.)

Is this a fixed subsidy scheme?

In principle, no. It is a one-time opportunity in connection with the Sparkling Spaces project, which will be concluded in 2018.

It is no longer possible to apply for a subsidy from this scheme.

Do you have questions?

Contact us by phone or e-mail.