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Design and Architecture Norway


When working on the fishing bridges, it is evident that emphasis was placed on them being used by all, i.e. the elderly, children, the visually impaired and wheelchair users. The project is rough, tough and beautifully executed architecture. Using the foundations of the road to build extended bridges was an excellent solution.  The jury would like to honour the innovativity and inventiveness of the solution to provide a fishing area on the Atlantic Road and the existing road system. The solution is innovative and allows the bridges to be used by all user groups.  Despite the good intentions of the project and emphasis on universal design, there is still some way to go before all requirements are met. In its conclusion, the jury finds that it is creative and innovative to establish a fishing area in such a location. Nonetheless, the jury points out that there are some limitations, for example, neither children nor wheelchair users can see through the high railings or surface of the bridge, which means they cannot see the fishing line in the water or fish they catch either. The jury also finds that the bridges are too high over the water and that they are situated on a bend without a pedestrian crossing. It seems dangerous to cross a road with an 80 km speed limit. Furthermore, it is pointed out that gravel paths in some areas are cumbersome for wheelchair users and parked cars in the parking area can block the accessibility of wheelchair users. These are considered significant shortcomings that can be improved.  

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