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Design and Architecture Norway

PROJECT NAME: NSB Alternative Travel


PROJECT COMPLETED BY: Uniform Strategisk Design AS

Disciplines: Service design, visual communication

Photo: Uniform

From "Nooooo!" to "Ok, I understand. Thanks for your help"

In 2014, more than 20 per cent of all NSB’s seventy-odd million passengers were affected by problems on the rail network. In a survey from the same year, it emerged that the experiences of customers subjected to delays constituted the most serious threat to NSB's reputation. This led us to develop the NSB Alternative Travel service – a solution that turns a negative experience into positive reputation management.



Panel remarks

It is elegant how NSB uses a combination of good insight and service design to take what is essentially a negative situation (after all, who likes delayed trains?) and create a potentially positive brand experience. In this case they have considered the situation in depth and in an integrated manner, from the striking visual profile which makes it easy for the customer to orientate themselves down to the training of rail employees tasked with making their meetings with the public a more predictable and pleasurable experience. The rooting of the process itself, from top management down to the end-user, is also an example to be followed in good service design. 

Project participants

Tone Bergan – Uniform, service design lead
Arnt Ole Dalebø – Uniform, consultant
Max Schrøder – Uniform, service designer
Anja Ree – Uniform, project manager

Kristin Jansson – NSB, project owner
Tove Flobergseter, NSB, project owner at implementation phase
Mari Bragstad – NSB, marketing and communications manager NSB East
Nina Tøgard – NSB, profile management
Tonje Bjørneby Olsen – NSB, alternative travel manager
Gina Scholz – NSB, communications adviser

Grid design – signage system development