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Design and Architecture Norway



PROJECT COMPLETED BY: Powerdesign AS, Frost Produkt AS, and Flokk Design Team

Discipline: Furniture design

Elegant updating

HÅG SoFi Mesh is an office chair with a mesh back that was launched at Orgatec in Cologne in October 2016. The chair is a continuation of the 2013 success of HÅG SoFi and is a visually lighter chair, but it has the same stringent requirements in terms of user ergonomics and environmental responsibility.


Panel remarks

HÅG SoFi Mesh is perceived as a well-integrated and precise chair where much of the functionality is hidden within. It does not come across as industrial or technical at all, which might have been a concern for some. On the contrary, SoFi Mesh presents a refined and warm expression – some might say it is almost feminine – not least because of the clever material choice and colour palette. The lumbar support is a small stroke of genius: it is both a key design element and a major contributor to seating comfort, and the same can be said of the armrests, which, with their clever slide back function, provide better and greater flexibility than traditional armrests. This is quite simply an excellent office chair, considered to the last detail, and it is our strong conviction that it will do well in the marketplace, something that the sales figures up to this point also confirm.

Project participants

Sigmund Øvereng – Flokk AS, project manager
Aleksander Borgenhov, Powerdesign, designer
Jann Frost Urstad, Frost Produkt AS, designer
Sondre Frost Urstad, Frost Produkt AS, designer
Christian Lodgaard, Flokk AS, SVP P&B
Anette Kittelsaa, HÅG/Flokk AS, Brand manager
Marianne Sælid, Flokk AS, designer
Pernille Jensen Stoltze, Flokk AS, designer
Arild Grøttan, Flokk AS, decorator
Anne-Cathrine Blix, HÅG/Flokk AS, graphic designer
Stig Holseth, HÅG/Flokk AS, Marketing manager