Thea Marie Stormo is an industrial designer who specialises in health-related products. This background resulted in a long-awaited device for women who experience pain and discomfort during intercourse. The device is a ‘vaginal dilator’ that can be used for treating various vaginal disorders.
The cause of such disorders may be congenital or related to childbirth, illness or traumatic experiences. Vaginal dilators are already available on the market, but are designed without taking into consideration the user’s experience with the product or actual needs.
Thea Marie has developed a device that is the direct result of user needs and desires. The curved shape, for example, provides better grip and, consequently better control of movement. The existing products are completely straight and difficult to use.
The user experience was also extremely important for Thea Maria.
“I wanted the design to give the user an experience of dignity and being taken seriously. That is why I focused particularly on quality and giving the product a pure and elegant form,” she explains.