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Design and Architecture Norway

 Many people wonder how Norway will survive after the oil runs out. Architect Øyvind Amundsen Bay wonders what we will do with our oil platforms and explored this in his project called ‘Offshore Dinosaur’. In it he recommends using abandoned oil platforms to produce bioenergy.

“Norway has more than 500 oil platforms that will be put out of commission relatively soon and my goal is to offer a strategy or proposal for one of the ways in which some of them can be reused,” explains Øyvind.

In his project, he describes how the platforms can be transformed into biomass refineries. The biomass would originate from seaweed cultivated on a large scale around the platform and harvested from smaller boats and then hoisted up into the platforms. This can enable the North Sea to shift from being a producer of pollution to a producer of clean energy.

He also suggests using the platforms for food production based on raw materials from the ocean.

 “I find it a fascinating possibility to use the sea as the fields of the future,” says Øyvind.

Tegning av Offshore dinosaur av Øyvind Bay.
The jury believes that the project is of exceptional quality, innovative and extremely relevant. The jury was particularly impressed by the manner in which the project was presented and mentioned the use of drawings that are both realistic and inspired.
Tegning av Offshore Dinosaur av Øyvind Bay.

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