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Design and Architecture Norway

Name: Stine Marie Brœnne Olstad 

Disciplines: Fashion-and-textile design and critical design

Education: Master’s in Fashion and Costume Design, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)

Photo: Stine Marie Brœnne Olstad

Design for discussion

The Master's thesis Liminal Landscapes & Mnemonic Textiles completed at Oslo National Academy of the Arts is a conceptual design project that explores our relationship with design through critical thinking and reflection. The project consists of two main elements – a clothing collection and a room installation – and explores the setting as a tool for creating space for wonderment and creative thinking.


Photo: Stine Marie Brœnne Olstad
Photo: Stine Marie Brœnne Olstad

Panel remarks

This master's project completed at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts places itself somewhere between fashion design and art and offers thought-provoking reflections on fashion design and its contexts. The whole work is of a very high standard – from the craftsmanship of the objects themselves to the critical, conceptual thoughts which surround them. In many ways, such works are exactly what the design industry needs today: works which are provocative and have the ability to challenge and create a new discourse based on the deep insight and artistic integrity available only to younger practitioners.

Therefore, it is a pleasure to give the DOGA award to such an out-of-the-ordinary, thought-provoking, and, in the absence of a better word, intelligent contribution.

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