Natural sponges, solid perfume and mouth-blown glass are all elements of Kaja’s exquisite perfume concept. This concept was the focus of her thesis at Ecal in Switzerland.
“The goal of the project was to create honest and natural beauty,” explains Kaja.
The perfume is cast in wax containing natural plant oils that emit a fragrance when they come into contact with warm skin. The sponge is used as an applicator and visual expression of the contents. The glass bottle protects the perfume from light, heat and oxygen.
All of the materials are innovative and the perfume and sponge can be replaced and new perfume cast directly into the existing bottle. This also makes it possible to easily change scents.
“With this project, I wanted to show a different side to cosmetics and beauty products than what we often see from the major companies. The idea is to further develop the concept,” says Kaja.