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Design and Architecture Norway

Name: Anders Haagaas Grinde

Disciplines: Architecture, urban development, urban spaces, large-scale architecture, and industrial design

Education: Master’s in Architecture, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)

Photo: Einar Elton Jacobsen

Local land-farmed salmon

FISH is a land-based salmon farming facility which will be located at Grønlikaia in Oslo, in the buffer zone between the planned Fjord City and Oslo’s latest working port. The facility contains every stage of production, from hatchery to harvesting plant, and is scaled to satisfy the city's yearly salmon consumption.

Kart over Grønlikaia
Illustration: Anders Haagaas Grinde
Illustration: Anders Haagaas Grinde

Panel remarks

In recent years, the city has been transformed into a “field” with a growing number of opportunities for local and eco-friendly allotment gardening. FISH signs itself up to this new, green urban development and is an idea we really hope will succeed. There are a number of things worth highlighting: the visitor centre, which will help to make salmon production transparent and exciting; the architecture, which is convincing in its ambition to become an attraction in its own right; and the environmental dimension of local food and non-infectious production. Simply put, this is persuasive and very exciting!

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