The North Cape is a strong Norwegian landmark in the tourism industry, but has not managed in recent years to innovate itself sufficiently and to market itself as the unique tourist destination that it is.
The goal of this DIP project was to increase the attractiveness of the North Cape. The Cape destination was to be redesigned to create an integral experience for tourists who take the time and effort to travel so far. The work was to involve both members of the tourism industry and other service organisations in the area.
The North Cape as a destination appeared to be fragmented and without a clear identity.
Many different parties are involved in this destination, but did not collaborate or fully consider the needs and expectations of visitors to the North Cape as part of an integral experience.

A DIP project implies user participation and the involvement of designers from the very start. In this project, the service designers originated from Designit. To preserve the user perspective, Designit called in the help of Prologue, a supplier of user studies based on ethnographic and social science methodology. The fact-gathering phase focused on the local community – residents and business sector - as well as tourists. The insights gained formed the foundation for the design strategy.
Travelling to the North Cape is a very deliberate decision. You do not end up here by chance.

The project resulted in a more integral approach to the North Cape as a destination and laid the foundation for creating a joint brand. The ideas and insights resulting from the project are now used as a management tool for all players involved, making it easier for them to develop services and products that further support the brand.
Four concepts for an integral travel experience have been developed:
- The Trail to the North: Markings along the roads enhance a sense of physically crossing the 71 degrees north latitude.
- The Travellers Point: An exhibition window and welcome to the North Cape. The destination aims to inspire, seduce and prepare travellers for what awaits them.
- The Alley Walk: The Alley Walk connects the inner harbour of Honningsvåg and Hurtigruten quay with the bus stop and cruise ship quay. The streets are the visitors’ first encounter with the North Cape and Honningsvåg for all those who arrive by sea.
- North Cape Connect: The concept brings together the six main attractions of the island – Honningsvåg, Kamøyvær, Skarsvåg, Nordkapplatået, Gjesvær and Nordvågen – with various solutions as to how these attractions can be linked and experienced as a whole.