Interaction design in Norway

Often described as the design of screen-based products, such as websites, phone apps, software or games, the most essential part of interaction design is the interaction between the user and the product
Intro: Interaction design in Norway

When you arrive at A&E and take a queue ticket you never know if you will have to wait for 20 minutes or four hours. Three undergraduates at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, have designed a solution to give patients a more reassuring and better waiting time.
Project: A better A&E waiting room experience

When the coronavirus pandemic hit Norway in 2020, there were no appropriate infection tracking tools for local authorities to use. One district medical officer realised the need, and set about forming a partnership with developers and designers.
Project: Digital Infection Tracking

The construction industry is facing major environmental and climate challenges, and many businesses are struggling to meet the requirements for environmental reporting and certification. They can now get help from a new service: init.
Project: Environmental reporting

It has been jokingly said that it would be very quiet in Norway if we couldn’t talk about the weather. Perhaps that's not surprising, since we live in a country where the weather can mean the difference between life and death.
Project: Yr weather service

Altinn is the online portal that most Norwegians have a relationship with, as it organises the digital dialogue between government agencies and 4 million Norwegian citizens – ranging from professionals to sporadic users. But research show that many users found the interface confusing and intimidating. What to do?