Industrial design in Norway

From idea to finished product, good design is essential to success. Norwegian industrial design keeps in touch with real life and ties together technology, user insights and market demands from inception to product launch.
Intro: Industrial design in Norway

Reliable avalanche warnings require field observations and snow analysis. A unique, foldable saw has now made this work considerably easier, and has become a favourite among avalanche forecasters all over the world.
Project: Dismantable snow saw

The long-established Grimstad company, Skarpnes, has joined forces with a German manufacturer of solar cells to deliver roofs that ease the burden on both your wallet and the power grid.
Project: Roof tiles with solar cells

A low body temperature is a high-risk factor in any rescue operation. Thermosaver makes it easier to handle hypothermic patients correctly, thus helping to save lives.
Project: Thermosaver

Many professional fishermen fail to wear a life vest because they feel it gets in the way. Home Again is a slimmer, inflatable life vest, specially designed to suit a fisherman’s needs.
Project: Saving lives at sea

A beautiful log end floor made from waste wood, marks the next step on the way to a circular building trade.
Project: Turning waste into floors

If you have ever lifted a dumbbell in a gym, you will know how important it is to stop the weight plates from sliding off. A new Norwegian innovation makes weight-lifting safer and more fun.
Project: Olympic dumbbell

In the interest of good dental hygiene, it is recommended that we change our toothbrush at least four times a year. A new solution from Jordan can save us from discarding 240 tonnes of plastic every year.
Project: Toothbrush with replaceable head

Rift Labs at Vinterbro deliver Norwegian high tech to the world of cinema. Their latest design is a precision lamp specially designed for small and medium-sized film productions.
Project: Kelvin Film Lamp

X-BOW® is an innovative bow concept which redefined ship design and marine engineering when it was launched in 2005.
Project: X-BOW

The award-winning Sun Bell provides safe low-energy light for kids in refugee camps as well as Norwegian campers.