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Design and Architecture Norway

The book INTO ARCHITECTURE introduces epoch-making buildings throughout history and enables an activity and experience-based exploration of architecture. The various stories start with concrete architectural descriptions. The reader is facilitated in picturing the landscape in which the structure is located. The building is first approached and then ‘occupied’. This is followed by subject matter content that can be adapted to the age and level of the students.

The eight chapters cover the most important epochs in the history of architecture. The history of architecture is not presented in its entirety, but rather by means of various stories that are pedagogically oriented, while at the same time providing a basic introduction to the art of architecture.

The reader is facilitated in picturing the landscape in which the structure is located. The building is first approached and then ‘occupied’. This is followed by subject matter content that can be adapted to the age and level of the students.

Apart from the main sections of Architectural Story and Architectural Workshop, each chapter also includes a section on Reflections and Resources. This section provides ideas about educational materials and comments on the architectural workshop activities. 

Each chapter concludes with a drawing section in which various drawing exercises related to the theme are provided.

DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT: Understanding the Principles of Architecture (here).